Simon Says Part IV


He slammed on the brakes! … a turtle crossed the street … the turtle climbed onto the opposite curb just outside of Fred’s TVLand … The red light turned to blue and then to orange. Superfrog continued down the street towards the purple moon.

The epic adventure of Superfrog continues…

Above the communications device, in large letters, was the word “TRANSCASTER”. Just below that, in smaller letters, were the words “Olfrod’s Idea was Lame.” Olfrod sat in front of the communications device, or Transcaster, and remembered.

Superfrog had this notion that anything used to fight evil needed to have a “cool sounding” name. Olfrod had suggested the name “Communicator” because the device was used to communicate. Superfrog had waved his hand and dismissed the idea mentioning something about a flavor of icecream. Instead Superfrog decided upon the name “Transcaster” because, as he emphatically stated, “it is kind of like a broadcaster but transports voices”.

Not that any of it mattered now, Superfrog had been gone for over a week without any communication. Olfrod stared at the screen on the Transcaster. He couldn’t dismiss the sinking feeling in his gut, or left spring, the Transcaster displayed no sign of Superfrog, anywhere…


Simon stood just outside the window and watched as Superfrog stirred on the bed. It had been over a week since he had captured and brainwashed him with his own special concoction of brainwashing ‘stuff’. (Unlike Superfrog, Simon was not very good at coming up with “cool sounding” names). This particular kind of brainwashing caused Superfrog to obey everything that Simon said. It also caused Superfrogs mind to live through one of Superfrogs favorite tv shows. Simon was pleased at how well everything was going. At first, he was unsure as to whether Superfrog would be affected as humans were. But, though Superfrog’s mind worked differently then humans, it seemed as if Simon’s plan had worked.

“Stir faster!” Simon said into the microphone, he was getting hungry.

“Now, poor the batter into the cake pan and place it in the oven” Simon said.

Superfrog responded by standing up, pouring the contents of the bowl into the cake pan, and placing it in the oven.

Good, Simon thought. In 2 hours Superfrog would be dead, and in 45 minutes Simons cake would be done. Simon could barely control his excitement! Only one hour and 59 minutes now, Simon threw his head back and laughed…

To be continued…

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