Simon Says Part VII


…They were taking their prisoner to his deathbed. Soon Superfrog would be no more … the second man moved toward the combination lock. He pushed the first aside stretched out his arms and hugged the lock. Neither man was aware of the change in their prisoners posture, nor of his eyes which had flickered briefly…

The incredible adventure of Superfrog continues!

Superfrog watched as the gigantic combination lock door swung open revealing a very large room. The two men prodded him forward. He saw book cases lining each of the walls excepting the one opposite the door which housed two large windows adorned with velvet curtains. The room appeared to be some sort of private book containing room. Superfrog frowned (mentally), the words “Be Quiet Please. Or we’ll kill you or hurt you severely!” were written on a sign hanging from one of the bookshelves. No light could be seen through the windows, which could only mean one thing, this chamber was far underground, most likely hidden from any sort of civilization or it was night time. Superfrog wasn’t sure what this room containing books and threatening “Be Quiet” signs had to do with a deathbed, but he sure wasn’t going to stick around and find out. Plus, he didn’t want to miss out on his favorite tv show.

Superfrog, not wanting to arouse suspicion, very carefully pushed his thumb to several of his fingers and prepared to make his escape.

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