Simon Says Part VI


He slammed on the brakes! … a turtle crossed the street …  There had never been a pizza place on the corner of 6th and Narrowway before … Only one hour and seven minutes before he had planned to kill Superfrog … Take him to his deathbed! NOW!

The superb adventure of Superfrog continues…

The pizza place stood on the corner just across the street from Fred’s TVLand. Superfrog parked on the side of the street just outside. This was the same corner he’d come screeching to a halt at earlier. At the time it didn’t seem very strange that he had waited quite some time for that turtle to cross the street. As he thought back on it, something troubled him. Superfrog sat with his finger on his forehead, deep in thought.

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Simon Says Part V


the Transcaster displayed no sign of Superfrog, anywhere … Superfrog stirred on the bed. It had been over a week since Simon had captured and brainwashed him … In 2 hours Superfrog would be dead … Only one hour and 59 minutes now, Simon threw his head back and laughed…

The epic adventure of Superfrog continues…

Superfrog looked out towards the side of the street as he was driving. He frowned. Something wasn’t sitting well with him, and he wasn’t sure why… Hmm… maybe it was that pizza he had eaten earlier… Wait a minute! There had never been a pizza place on the corner of 6th and Narrowway before! Superfrog yanked up the parking brake and spun the wheel around. The tires squealed as the van slid around to face the other direction. Superfrog pushed the gas pedal to the floor, took a sip of his cream soda, and zipped back down the street towards the pizza place!

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