Simon Says Part VI


He slammed on the brakes! … a turtle crossed the street …  There had never been a pizza place on the corner of 6th and Narrowway before … Only one hour and seven minutes before he had planned to kill Superfrog … Take him to his deathbed! NOW!

The superb adventure of Superfrog continues…

The pizza place stood on the corner just across the street from Fred’s TVLand. Superfrog parked on the side of the street just outside. This was the same corner he’d come screeching to a halt at earlier. At the time it didn’t seem very strange that he had waited quite some time for that turtle to cross the street. As he thought back on it, something troubled him. Superfrog sat with his finger on his forehead, deep in thought.

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The First of the Old Part II

Last time

“Sir, Would you like a drink?”… an alarm sounds. “You thought you got rid of me, but I’m back!”

The epic adventure of Superfrog continues…

“Oh no!” exclaims Olfrod “it’s Simon the one who blew up city hall last summer!”

“Yes, that’s right.” says Superfrog. “Simon, come out! We still know what you did last summer!” Superfrog says in a thunderous voice that could make the wimpiest soldier turn pale.

“Oh, Superfrog! You forgot that whatever Simon says… goes.” says Simon. “And Simon says it’s time for you to die! HAHAHAHA!”

Suddenly, Superfrog leaps into the air over Simon and runs out the door leaving Olfrod and Simon clueless.

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