Simon Says Part VII


…They were taking their prisoner to his deathbed. Soon Superfrog would be no more … the second man moved toward the combination lock. He pushed the first aside stretched out his arms and hugged the lock. Neither man was aware of the change in their prisoners posture, nor of his eyes which had flickered briefly…

The incredible adventure of Superfrog continues!

Superfrog watched as the gigantic combination lock door swung open revealing a very large room. The two men prodded him forward. He saw book cases lining each of the walls excepting the one opposite the door which housed two large windows adorned with velvet curtains. The room appeared to be some sort of private book containing room. Superfrog frowned (mentally), the words “Be Quiet Please. Or we’ll kill you or hurt you severely!” were written on a sign hanging from one of the bookshelves. No light could be seen through the windows, which could only mean one thing, this chamber was far underground, most likely hidden from any sort of civilization or it was night time. Superfrog wasn’t sure what this room containing books and threatening “Be Quiet” signs had to do with a deathbed, but he sure wasn’t going to stick around and find out. Plus, he didn’t want to miss out on his favorite tv show.

Superfrog, not wanting to arouse suspicion, very carefully pushed his thumb to several of his fingers and prepared to make his escape.

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Chickenman, Part One

People always pester me with the same questions: “Are you chicken or are you man?” “Do you fight the crimes of men or the crimes of, um, chickens?” “You are the stupidest superhero ever.” My answer, regardless of the question, is always the same: “You’re the stupidest superhero ever!” This works well enough most of the time, but it tends to fall flat whenever people try to have normal conversation with me. Thankfully, this almost never happens, since apparently people don’t like talking with overweight, sweaty middle-aged men who dress like chickens. Yes, this leaves me with crippling loneliness and depression, but I have learned to channel these feelings of despondency into unparalleled chicken powers.

For instance, did you know that my adamantine beak can peck through the marrow of 1000 black holes? Well, I hope you didn’t know that, because it’s blatantly false. In fact, I’m pretty sure it doesn’t even make sense. But here’s what I can do. I can, like, totally scratch you, and stuff—trust me, it’s uber impressive. I’m pretty much the most powerful chicken-man I know.

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Simon Says Part VI


He slammed on the brakes! … a turtle crossed the street …  There had never been a pizza place on the corner of 6th and Narrowway before … Only one hour and seven minutes before he had planned to kill Superfrog … Take him to his deathbed! NOW!

The superb adventure of Superfrog continues…

The pizza place stood on the corner just across the street from Fred’s TVLand. Superfrog parked on the side of the street just outside. This was the same corner he’d come screeching to a halt at earlier. At the time it didn’t seem very strange that he had waited quite some time for that turtle to cross the street. As he thought back on it, something troubled him. Superfrog sat with his finger on his forehead, deep in thought.

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Simon Says Part V


the Transcaster displayed no sign of Superfrog, anywhere … Superfrog stirred on the bed. It had been over a week since Simon had captured and brainwashed him … In 2 hours Superfrog would be dead … Only one hour and 59 minutes now, Simon threw his head back and laughed…

The epic adventure of Superfrog continues…

Superfrog looked out towards the side of the street as he was driving. He frowned. Something wasn’t sitting well with him, and he wasn’t sure why… Hmm… maybe it was that pizza he had eaten earlier… Wait a minute! There had never been a pizza place on the corner of 6th and Narrowway before! Superfrog yanked up the parking brake and spun the wheel around. The tires squealed as the van slid around to face the other direction. Superfrog pushed the gas pedal to the floor, took a sip of his cream soda, and zipped back down the street towards the pizza place!

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Simon Says Part IV


He slammed on the brakes! … a turtle crossed the street … the turtle climbed onto the opposite curb just outside of Fred’s TVLand … The red light turned to blue and then to orange. Superfrog continued down the street towards the purple moon.

The epic adventure of Superfrog continues…

Above the communications device, in large letters, was the word “TRANSCASTER”. Just below that, in smaller letters, were the words “Olfrod’s Idea was Lame.” Olfrod sat in front of the communications device, or Transcaster, and remembered.

Superfrog had this notion that anything used to fight evil needed to have a “cool sounding” name. Olfrod had suggested the name “Communicator” because the device was used to communicate. Superfrog had waved his hand and dismissed the idea mentioning something about a flavor of icecream. Instead Superfrog decided upon the name “Transcaster” because, as he emphatically stated, “it is kind of like a broadcaster but transports voices”.

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Simon Says Part III


“It appears that the one shard has… become three” … Things were much more than fishy. Something about this seemed familiar, a little too familiar…

The epic adventure of Superfrog continues…

Simon waited and watched. His engine was running and his headlights were off. He went over things one more time in his head. Everything had to be perfect if his plan were to succeed. He saw what appeared to be an SUV approaching. From the looks of it there were several passengers inside. He watched. There was no one following them.

“Excellent”, he thought. This was just what he had been waiting for.

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Simon Says Part II


“Oh No! That poor alien just got decimated!” … “Help me” … “When my spaceship exploded a shard of it flew off … you must find it”

The epic adventure of Superfrog continues…

Superfrog intently stared at the blinking lights displayed on the monitor. He was getting a headache.

It had been several days since that alien had crashed through his skylight, toppled him over, and left his slimy alien guts all over the statue of Kermit the Frog. Superfrog would simply have to get a new one, and he wasn’t sure how much skylights were running for these days. At the time the alien had told him of a shard that had flown from his ship towards the city when the spacecraft exploded. (Or rather, was destroyed but let’s not mention that). The alien had also warned him to be careful that the shard did not fall into the wrong hands. A ridiculous request, Superfrog thought, surely everything that could have fallen from the spaceship had already done so by the time the alien said something. As to whether or not anything had fallen into hands, Superfrog was unsure. Though the odd’s of such a thing happening were unlikely.

“Sir, can I assume the mission is going well?” a robot voice said disturbing Superfrog’s thought process.

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Simon Says


“Oh No! It’s Simon the one who blew up City Hall last summer!” … “You forgot that whatever Simon says… goes”  … “You haven’t seen the last of me Superfrog!!!!”

The epic adventure of Superfrog continues…

Superfrog flew over the city with a rubber ducky in his hands. Awe… this is the life! Superfrog, feeling clean already, got out of his bath and turned off the visual images displayed in it. Placing his rubber ducky next to his statue of Kermit the Frog, Superfrog walked out of his restroom.

A small spaceship flew over the house and exploded because of the anti-air missile guns that Superfrog had placed around his yard.

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The First of the Old Part II

Last time

“Sir, Would you like a drink?”… an alarm sounds. “You thought you got rid of me, but I’m back!”

The epic adventure of Superfrog continues…

“Oh no!” exclaims Olfrod “it’s Simon the one who blew up city hall last summer!”

“Yes, that’s right.” says Superfrog. “Simon, come out! We still know what you did last summer!” Superfrog says in a thunderous voice that could make the wimpiest soldier turn pale.

“Oh, Superfrog! You forgot that whatever Simon says… goes.” says Simon. “And Simon says it’s time for you to die! HAHAHAHA!”

Suddenly, Superfrog leaps into the air over Simon and runs out the door leaving Olfrod and Simon clueless.

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The First of the Old

We join our hero Superfrog in the frog cave. He has recently returned from battling it out with Raddishman his archenemy…

“Sir, can I get you something to drink? Perhaps Flymonade or Insecta cider?”, says Olfrod, Superfrogs robot.

“Yes, but I’d rather,” posing for a camera he continues, “Enjoy Coke!” Superfrog finishes with a large smile.

“Boop, Boop, bleep, boop.” An alarm sounds!

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